Well come to senior talk. Senior talk is where you find the most useful information, tips, and resources when it comes to senior care. My name is Nicole. She, I’m your host senior talk is brought you by Nestle senior placement and care solutions nest fee. We’ll help you find the most suitable, assisted living boarding care, independent living or nursing home or any type of senior living with no cost and or you want to find an amazing Assisted Living San Leandro caregiver. You can feel free to reach out to them. All the resources, a device they provide is free. I’m, their contact is triple w nestle.com ness fee spells and e s t e V as in Victor, wider as in yellow. Again, an EST, the y.com.
Today we will be talking about some amazing resources we can get in our San Leandro.
Today we’ll be interviewing.
A director as suddenly Andrew’s senior center. Her name is Susan Criswell.
She will be sharing with us
programs that they provide to the seniors and
Other amazing resources we can utilize.
so let’s get started.
Okay, awesome. Here we are. We are with Susan Criswell at the, uh, senior, certainly Andrew’s senior center. Thank you so much, Susan, to be with us. Oh, well thank you for asking. I did slap me. It’s my pleasure to tell you more about our facility and our Assisted Living San Leandro services. Awesome. So just, um, giving me a little bit background of this community unity. Okay. So a San Leandro, uh, traditionally was a community where the demographic tilted towards seniors that are getting older. It’s a, you know, a wealth and a community. We have approximately, I would say 86,000 resonance. Uh, we, there was a needs assessment conducted by the area agency on aging for Alameda County in the late nineties. And at that time, um, when they pulled together all the research research, it was discovered that the biggest need for San Leandro seniors at that time was to have a dedicated senior center.
For many years, the city’s recreation department had been offering a limited amount of senior programs that are other facility marina community center. So, um, fast forward that in, in that into the first decade of the 21st century. Uh, as you know, we experienced a lot of economic difficulties, you know, due to the recession during that decade. And finally, uh, the city was able to cobble together rather a unique set of resources in order to put this building up. So the thing that a lot of people don’t know about our senior community center here is that it is also the city’s a dedicated emergency operation center. So we were able to pull funding specifically dedicated for the emergency operations center as well as at that time we still had access to redevelopment funds. Uh, the land though right adjacent to us in this parking lot was uh, extra Vonnies Ford dealership and the property had been vacant for several years after it was a hedge fund.
He’s free located. Um, so between the redevelopment funds, the emergency operations center funding, and then the city of course kicked in some money from the general fund as well. We were able to construct the building. The construction was completed, I want to say it in summer of 2010, but again, we were still coming out of that recession period. So there was not the funds available for staffing, but fortunately the city council was able to reallocate some funds. So we opened the center and April of 2011 we’ve been in operation continuously since that time. Wow. I can save, this is a very beautiful center. We are really fortunate and a lot of thought went into the design of this center. I was not involved in that process, but our city manager at that time, Joanne Oliver and the team from the engineering and Transportation Department, they pretty much toured, I want to say all of the senior centers in the immediate vicinity and talk to folks and said, okay, what about your center really works for you?
If you could build yourself from brand new center, what is missing out of this center? And so it was a very educated process that went into the design of the building. It’s also really nice about our building too, is that it’s a lead certified building so that, um, that is a certification that is given to buildings at various levels. There’s platinum, there’s gold, there’s silver, and it’s uh, based on the sustainability of the systems in the building. So for instance, we have drought tolerant landscape, so we have a very efficient system in terms of electrical use. Most of our, you can see I have special, uh, our light switches, so it’s, it’s motion detector so it automatically turns lights off that results in savings. Uh, also a unique feature of our landscape. If you look at the areas adjacent to the parking areas that, that landscape area that also serves as a bio swale.
So what that means is like if this storm that’s predictive for today’s start stretching us with rain, you’ll see little cutouts in the curve, but you can, I can see one right over here so that the water that collects on the, on the, the hardscape can drain down into the landscape and be absorbed by the earth instead of going into the storm drain system. So it’s there. It’s really fascinating, the number of different systems. And of course our Hva see is all automated and it’s based on average temperatures within the building. You know, there’s sensors all over the building, there’s sensors outside and the computer automatically adjust for whatever’s going on in the climate. So we can make the most efficient use of our power in terms of age vac system as well. That’s amazing. It’s a lot of dedication. Put it into the center and people with different skill set.
Yeah. Yeah. So you know, and it, and again, it’s a beautiful Assisted Living San Leandro facility. It works very well for a lot of different things that we do. Uh, so let’s get on to the next [inaudible] thing, but let’s talk about what happens in [inaudible]. It’s really close to my heart. Um, you know, our senior placements or this we gears who was more senior. So what kind of programs and services that provides to the seniors? So primarily this is a recreational facility. A lot of times people come in and they confuse us with different type of facility. We are not an adult daycare center that’s specifically geared towards more frail adults. And the programs we offer are geared towards more active, more mobile, older adults. Uh, that being said, we offer a variety of different classes and services and education program. So I’ll start by talking about the classes a little bit.
If you go through our activity guide, we produced an activity guide three times a year. It’s a, this is the catalog of courses offered through the recreation department as a whole. So senior services generally we occupied several pages and it’s usually found towards the back of the activity guide. So that publication is kind of something that your clients, if they’re interested in seeing what they have to offer to look for this, if they reside within the San Leandro city limits, this is delivered with this family under a times, three times a year. If they live outside of the city limits, they can access it either online. We have a website, it’s San Leandro Rec, San Leandro, r e c short for recreation.org and all the catalog listings can be found at that website and people can also register online at that site for our activities. So let’s talk a little bit about classes first.
We have several exercise classes. They range in intensity. We have a cardio, a high impact workout. We have some dance fitness courses, we have yoga, we have Tai Chi, and it ranges all the way down to exercise that’s specifically geared towards people that are at risk of falling. We partner with spectrum community services to offer their enhanced fitness courses, um, which are primarily geared for people 60 and older who are at risk of fall falling or who have fallen. So, um, and we also have other courses that offer a seated exercises. So it’s a broad range. You can get, as I said, anywhere from just a really intense, you know, dripping sweat cardio workout to a seated exercises. But at the same time, those are very beneficial as well. We do have a, for example, we have a partnership with the Arthritis Foundation. They underwrite a walk with east course with us, and that is specifically geared towards people with joint impairment to improve their stamina for walking and also to do that in a way that is safe if they do have joint impairment.
So in addition to the exercise classes, we also have, um, some art classes. We have a ceramics course, that one, it actually is still offered at the other facility, marina community center because we have a kiln there. We have a wonderful teacher who teaches creative drawing and colored pencil portraits. We also have some crafting classes. We have a common threads class which is for knit crochet. Uh, we ate and we do have some classes that are geared more towards educating people about health issues. We partnered with Alameda County public health department, um, typically three times a year. We have a diabetes self management course. Uh, these courses with Alameda county public health are really brilliant. They’re free, they are underwritten by the county and it’s a great opportunity to learn more about chronic health conditions. Again, diabetes, self management, and then usually at least once a year we offer a class in partnership with them for hypertension management as well.
And it’s, it’s very thorough health education. They offer printed materials. Uh, the instructor is really dynamic and really dedicating to helping people understand how to enhance their health when they’re struggling with a chronic health condition. So that has worked out really well. They also offer with us a diabetes support group. Um, due to funding reductions. It’s now every other month. But the people that have taken the self class, if they have specific questions that arise or their condition changes, it’s a great adjunct to have the other to have the support groups. So yeah, especially chronic illness is good too, you know, like understand the disease and kind of like a be better prepare and manage yourself. Yes. Yes. So we’re really fortunate and I, as I said to, you know, it’s, we’re very fortunate here to have the great partnerships that we have. I met mentioned spectrum community services.
They offer the enhanced fitness courses. Those are also underwritten and free the courses that we don’t have partners underwriting with us. They are a fee based courses. We have a, a great uh, core of contract instructors and the contract instructors set the fee. One thing to be aware of if you’re dealing with folks that don’t reside within the city limits of San Leandro, they to have access to all these programs. But anything that is fee based, a non resident will pay a slightly higher fee. And they will be able to register for the course a week after we’ve opened it for folks that are residents of San Leandro. And the reasoning behind that is the programs here are supported by, you know, the Assisted Living San Leandro tax payers. So, um, that’s, that’s why we charge a slightly higher fee for non residents because their taxes aren’t directly supporting what’s going on here at [inaudible].
A lot of sense. How many a seniors or people are participating? Uh, different programs, programs? You know, I, we probably have about 8,000 seniors come through here in a course of a week. When you add up all of our different classes are different service programs, uh, the social programs. So let’s talk a little bit more about what else is going on in the building. Oh, one more strategic partnership we have for our class offerings as we partner with the San Leandro adult schools. So they offer that cardio workout class that I mentioned. That’s one of their offerings. They also have a wonderful thing than our computer lab. They have a seniors 55 plus workforce re entry program, which is geared towards people that you know for whatever reason want to re enter the workforce and may not have the basic computer skills that they need. So this was a instructor with someone always [inaudible] appointment help out with the resume.
So it’s actually a class that did that folks registered for through the adult school and they teach it Monday through Thursday from nine to 11 in our computer lab, which makes kind of a nice segue into our services talking about the computer lab. That is one resource we offer for seniors who may not have access to the Internet at home, don’t have wifi. Our computer lab is open every afternoon from 12 o’clock until four 30 and people can just come in and use the computers on a drop in basis as needed. We have a printer stationed in the lab so they can print things out and you know, we’re very thankful that we have free Wifi throughout the building. San Leandro or I don’t know if you’ve heard, it has this wonderful fiber optic loop and we’re hooked into that for our Wifi. Oh my God.
I take care of very high tech. It is. It is. So some of the other services we offer, most of these services are free and on a drop in basis we offer a blood pressure and weight checked. We partner with San Leandro hospital now it’s offered once a month. Uh, we partner with the legal assistance for seniors high cap agency. So we offer the health insurance counseling with the train counselors here twice a month. We, I mentioned the open computer lab, diabetes support group. We’ve talked about, we have a peer support group for seniors. It meets every Wednesday morning. That such free drop in program. And we also have a program called Rainbow Seniors, the facilitators that cosponsor this or from lavender seniors of the East Bay and the Pacific Center. So that meets twice a month. Usually what they do is they’ll come in and they’ll register for our congregate meal program and they’ll have lunch together.
And then after that they branch off into a separate room and have their support group. We also have a wonderful volunteer that will help people one on one with their electronic gadgets, whether it’s, you know, they’ve got a new phone, they don’t know how to program a contact. They have a laptop, they’re not really sure how to Skype with their grandkids. We have a wonderful volunteer here every Friday and he will assist people for free on a drop in basis. So, and I would be very remiss if I did not mention more than in passing the congregate meal program. Again, this is another program we partner with spectrum community services. So we have lunch here on site Monday through Friday. Lunch is at 12 o’clock. Uh, spectrum has some dedicated staff that actually, you know, works in our program to keep it coordinated and running as two spectrums, um, specifications.
So it is, they suggested $3 75 cent donation per lunch. Uh, seniors that, that partake frequently are also welcome to purchase a lunch card that offers them a slight discount if you prepay for 10 meals in advance. But nobody is turned away for lack of funding. As spectrum does have the application forms in there in order to um, to get peep, gathers people’s information and find out what type of organization is spectrum. So spectrum community services as a not for profit, they’re based in Hayward. They offer the congregate meal programs to several of the senior community centers in the area. They offer their fall prevention program. Um, I mentioned the enhanced fitness and also matter of balance or two courses that they offer here that are underwritten by their donors, you know, through the funding that they raise. They also offer, trying to remember what the acronym stands for it, but their energy assistance programs.
So they offer those as well to seniors. So that’s a great organization for your clients to be aware of its spectrum community services and the Hayward. So the way their website is, I believe spectrum’s C S. Dot. Org. Yeah, I feel like you guys thought of everything like from like, you know, I know I saw that as a flex, like is trying to spit Haitian. Oh we haven’t even gotten to continue doing great. So we all also offer community education, right programs. We strive to offer those once a month, depending, you know, how, how scheduling works. And for those we partner only with not for profit organizations that provide assistance to seniors in different areas. So for instance, the next one that we have coming up in April, we’re partnering with Alameda County Fire Department to do a personal Assisted Living San Leandro emergency course geared specifically towards seniors and their caregivers. Uh, you know, in May we’re partnering with Sutter Health.
Their trauma injury prevention specialist is coming to talk about fall prevention, know they have a trauma center at Eden Hot. Okay. Social programs. I’ll just run through those briefly. We have a variety of different social programs. These, uh, unlike our classes, our drop in activities, uh, so a few of them are fee based, some of them are not. We have a book, we have a book bunch that’s a monthly book club. We have knit crochet, so handcrafts that’s a weekly crafting group. We have recreational Masarang that meets once a week on Friday. Um, Wednesdays is our busiest day of the week and a lot due to, we have a ballroom dance session with a Dj and that is called senior swingers. That drop in fee is slightly higher. It’s $3, because in addition to the music, she also provides RefreshMints. So every Wednesday we have a hundred plus seniors. Oh, dancing bomb or even having a great time.
Um, one of the other programs that we offer offsite at marine a community center is our silver screen theater. And once a week we play a movie. Tuesday afternoons, that’s a $1 drop in fee. They, there’s coffee, there’s popcorn, and there are movies. Uh, I think when have I just finished programming for February, I think we’re showing crazy rich Asians and ocean’s eight. We mix it up. We tried to do recent this and then once a month we show a classic. And then sometimes we’ll mix in a movie. Maybe that’s been around a while, but by special request, you know, some seniors are saying, oh, I really want to see John Wayne and Dah, Dah, Dah, Dah opera. So we’ll show that. Um, we play table tennis that meets here, drop in table tennis twice a week, Monday and Thursdays. Also on Wednesday afternoon we have a we seniors groups.
So we actually have a, we that we hook into a system and one of our meeting rooms and they come in and they do, we bowling and we golf and they have a good time. Wow. Okay. We offer a couple of travel programs. We under the umbrella of our senior travel troop, we have senior day trips that we offer once a month. These are a local bus excursions. The next one we’ve got coming up. For example, we’re going to Rosie the riveters. So we’re going up to Richmond or, and we’re doing that in April because that’s when they’re the most wild flowers. We also partner with, uh, premier world discovery to offer extended vacation. So we have some departures coming up for those trips. And basically we just have a partnership with premier royal discovery where they offer specific tours and they can book the tours through us.
So three times a year. Right before we released the activity guide, we have what we call the travel troops sneak peak where we introduce all the upcoming trips for the next activity guide so that people can get an idea of what’s available and they can do early registration and they can also meet directly with the representative from premier world discovery if they’re interested in extended travel. So we have that and then we have our paratransit system. So San Leandro does have its own paratransit system that’s underwritten by measure B and measure BB. These are sales tax measures that are administered by the Alameda County Transportation Commission. So we have two components to that program. One is our fixed route flex shuttle, which is available for seniors 60 and over. It’s also available to adults, adults 18 and over who are East Bay paratransit certified. And that is a fixed route shuttle.
We have two loops. We have a north loop and a south loop and they meet right out here in front is the transfer point. So this can take folks to different destinations around town. It stops at both of our community centers. It stops at both bart stations. San Leandro, Bart Bay Fair Bart. It also stops said shopping destinations like the Washington plaza. It stops, uh, gosh at Walmart, uh, you know, targeted bay fairs. So it’s, it’s a great system. It runs Monday through Friday from nine until five. Uh, the, we’ve also recently had a program change. We did have a taxi voucher program for subsidized taxi rides, but uh, the taxi, you know, the, the door to door transportation world is changing and the companies that we were contracting with no longer had adequate taxi drivers to support the program. So this portion of the program, uh, senior would need to register for flex and when they turn 70, in addition to being eligible for the shuttle, they would be eligible for our new on demand ride service programs.
So what that is looking like, and we’re just launching this as we speak, this is a brand brand new program to replace it. The subsidized taxi vouchers. We’re contracting with life elder care in Fremont and basically they serve as the liaison between the senior who may not have a smart phone or not feel real conversant with using it. So the senior, once they are a flex qualify, we provide their information and life elder care and the senior can call up life elder care and say, hi, my name is Susan. I live on broad Mar Boulevard. I need to go to the senior center on East 14th Street. And the personnel down there, we’ll do the computer dispatch with either Lyft or Uber and get that person a ride and the client stays on the line until we’ve confirmed their ride and then they can get picked up.
This too is subsidized. So the senior would pay the first $4 and then the city will subsidize between $4 and $20. Now if the senior wants to go to a destination beyond the normal service area, like for instance, if they wanted to go to the north end of Berkeley and say their they’re total one way fair was $26 they would pay the first $4 and then the additional $6 above the 20. But it’s still subsidizes a good chunk of the ride. So really it’s a, sorry to interrupt, it’s a flex for free for the US in the Angeles. So, so there is a, there is an annual fee for flex. We run it through with our fiscal year. So if you purchase anytime during the year, your membership is good through June 30th and July 1st you would have, there’s a renewal people that are um, existing, uh, flex shuttle members that have in the membership would receive their renewal notice in April.
So again, there’s $20 annual fee to simple front and back, one page application to apply for flex. And then we issued them a little little ID card. It’s the size of the credit card and it has their picture on it, the bar code. And they would just show that anytime they wanted to get on and off the flex shuttle. Yeah. Is that similar to paratransit program? I know [inaudible] and translate you call up front, you say, Hey, I need to be here at this time. So they come in to pick you up and then you paste like, okay, so we’re confusing two different things but the fixed route shuttle. Okay. There’s the, there is no call dispatch. It’s used on a regular schedule. I don’t we can pick one up for you on your way out to show you that. Yes. And then again, if they are a flex qualified, but the day age, the age threshold is different.
It’s a higher age thresh hold for the on demand ride service. So that would be, you know, being a flex member, paying the annual fee. And then as I said, anybody who registers for flax who’s 70 and over, we passed their data onto life, elder care in life contacts them. And that gets them set up for the, the on demand rides. So we’re really excited about this. As I said, we’re just launching this, we have the orientations last week and people are just starting to use it. It’s a pilot program but we’re expanding it, so. Okay. Yeah. So that’s kind of an overview of the different things that we oversee here. Um, in terms of the center itself, again, we operate as part of the recreation Human Services Department for the city of San Leandro. So primarily we are funded by the city. Uh, we also receive a nominal grant from Alameda county that supports some of the specific activities here at helps support specific classes and programs.
And again, we had a, without all our great partners who have their own donors and funding sources, we’re able to offer more than we could just if we were providing all of the programming, just utilizing city staff. So yeah. And did the information center outside. When I talk to them, they’re so helpful and there’s a lot of information on his wall with flyers, brochures and I saw them last time. I just gathered all of them because it’s so helpful. I feel like seniors can really come in here if they have questions, they want to do something good start and, and even at times, although we don’t directly provide the surfaces that somebody needs, you know, we will do our best to look through, you know, knowing are the information we have in our heads and also looking through our resource guides to plug people into services that we don’t offer here.
Like a lot of times I’ll get questions about, you know, legal issues that arise that arise as you age. So again, we partnered with legal assistance for seniors. I’ll come in and talk about advanced healthcare directives. If it’s estate planning, I can direct them to housing and economic rights advocates who will also give them an overview of estate planning. So yeah. Yeah, it’s amazing. Okay. I know Susan, you got very busy. Last question, what’s the top three most useful resources we think seniors or their loved one less half a access to, I can’t emphasize it enough. We, we have the flex program that’s available to San Leandro residents, but any person that walks in here and applies for flex, we also check with them. It’s like, Hey, are you registered with East Bay paratransit with transportation you need to have multiple tools in your pocket is how I like to refer to it.
So yes, like FSC or can get some, you know, for instance, they can hop on downtown and get it out to Kaiser San Leandro and they can do that during the week. But you also need an option to be able to get there on the weekends. So yes, register for East Bay paratransit. Yes. If you know, you have the financial ability to pay for it, you know, look into having Uber directly, you know, because our subsidized rides are only available during the week. But again, if you need to get somewhere on a weekend, do you need another option for them? So transportation is a critical issue for seniors. Housing is also a critical issue for seniors. Um, you know, I don’t have any direct assistance that we offer here in terms of housing, but we do put out the publications put out by the area agency on Aging. They have a housing resource guide.
Uh, we can plug people into the two one, one service, even information and referral to assist them, you know, if they’re having a housing crisis. And also we, we partner again with some different organizations in the community to come and talk. Actually I’m looking at programming the echo housing folks to come in and talk about housing this summer because that is, that’s a critical need. So transportation, housing and then the, I’m not quite sure to how to give you just one word to describe, but seniors need community not to live in isolation, especially if you’re having transportation challenges. People tend just to sit at home and be by themselves and you know, the research bears out people that are involved in their Assisted Living San Leandro communities. It Ha, it enhances their mental health. Um, you know, for involved in exercise class that enhances your physical health as well. And that’s the genius of what we do here.
Um, I’ll just talk about, you know, well this happens pretty much in almost all of our classes, but I’m thinking of one of our particular exercise classes. It’s a seated exercise program. Um, you know, it’s, it’s more frail, older adults and you know, either a student or instructor will come up to me and say, Hey, you know, Luis hasn’t been to class for the last three days. Uh, have we heard anything from her? And of course, you know, we have to maintain people’s privacy so we can’t say, Oh, here’s her phone number, call her. But if somebody comes to us, we’ll pick up the phone, we’ll make that call. Or if, you know, Louise has a friend in the class and comes back in and said, you know, um, Luis fell down and broke her hip and she’s recuperating. Well, you know, the students will circulate a card, they’ll bring it to us, the customer service, they bring us the car, but the postage, we don’t give them the students address, but we’ll address the card and send it to people.
So it’s community, it’s building community and building bridges between people. So they have people that care for them. You go into our lunch program when it’s released, we, you know, you see the, you know, we have regulars and then we have people that drop by and there’s like, okay, here’s this cable. And in these, these men like to talk current events. So they come in every day and you know, they’ll have their lunch and it’s not just having lunch, it’s, you know, seeing other people chit chatting with their friends. So we’re feeding both their body and their minds and their spirits. So. Awesome. Yeah, it’s community I would say. You know, transportation is huge. Housing is huge. A supportive community is huge. Yeah. Thank you for the summary. Oh well there we go. And one I just thought of a one little questions. What if a senior is kind of shy and they want it to start?
Like how would you recommend he or she to start? Well, what I do, a lot of times I’ll see people come in and they’ll just be like, oh, my daughter says I need to get out of the house. And sometimes, you know, when it’s presented to me that way I’ll, since there’s a little bit of reluctance on their part that they’re only coming to ask to please their daughter or sometimes you know, the tile will come in with the parent and just say mom needs something to do. So at that point it’s like I shut off the conversation with you know, the caregiver and turn to the person. What do you like to do? Like maybe somebody who really does not want to go in and do we bowling, but they love to read books, you know. So sometimes I have to, you know, our customer service, we’ll have to draw somebody out and say, what are you interested in?
But once, once we have that information we can kind of, with our familiarity, it’s just like they exercise classes that can be kind of overwhelming. You come in and it’s like, oh, okay. What’s the difference between arthritis, Tai Chi and Tai Chi Twan, you know, so we can kind of give an overview. Okay. What’s different about that? And answer specific questions about, I mean, you have so many classes, I’m sure someone can find something to you know that that’s it. It’s just follow your passion and maybe it’s something that you haven’t really participated in before, but you can say, gee, you know, like, I would think for me, I can only draw stick figures, but I see some of the beautiful creations that come out of our creative drawing class and I’m like, oh no, maybe when I retire I’ll take creative drawing, you know, just an opportunity to try something new.
Um, again. And I, I think it just takes a few times to come into recognize the genuine, the genuine went. How would you say that the genuineness of people wanting to make connections here is not just the instructors, it’s, it’s the people in the class and you know, once, once you’ve been here a time or two, you know, people readily accept other people. I, you know, and I think back to my mother when I first started working in senior services and you know, we kind of developed this tradition and we were still over at our old facility and on Tuesdays, you know, I would show the movie there. So I pick her up for more, you know, from her house, bring her to work with me. So she go to the enhanced fitness class and then she would go to the lunch and then she would go to the movie and I was driving her home one day and she was just kind of Bob.
Oh, I talked to, you know, so I wouldn’t so, and, and then, you know, so and so wasn’t there, but you know, this other person told me that she’s, yeah, I’m going to be okay. And she said, she said to me, Susan, she said, you know what I really love about being here? She said, you know, when I was just sitting at home alone in my house, I thought I was the only person that had these challenges. And then I came to the center and I realized there are a lot of people just like me. She said some people, you know are still more capable than I am. Some people are less capable than I am. She said, but you know, it kind of gives me a broader overview of aging and you know, it did, it gave her some resources to age in place successfully.
So this is really beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. Aging place. And then you still have purpose can still have fun. Yes. Well yeah. And you know, and maybe your purposes of you, you get to go sit with her girlfriends before the movie starts and talk about what books you’ve read or you know, how, how was lunch today? But yes, creating the seniors dog was seniors and he got some really cute like, oh yeah, he is, keep each other company. That is really lovely. We have been partnering with nobody’s perfect stocks for about a year now and they do have that wonderful adoption program where they will discount the adoption fee for a senior dog going to a senior person. And you know, again, that’s another component of, um, emotional Assisted Living San Leandro wholeness is having a pet. You know, especially for seniors living by themselves. It makes a huge difference when they have a pet now. So all kinds of partnerships. So fun. Thank you so much for your time. So everyone definitely check out silly Angele senior center on East 14th Street. It’s just right next to settle the Angel Hospital. Thank you.